9/11 was a very sad day.It all started very normal day everybody was going to work dropping the kids off at school,and getting on planes too.American Airlines flight 11 people where getting on the plane there where 92 passengers the plane leaves Boston going to Los Angeles.Flight 175 with 65 passengers leaves Boston too going to Los Angeles.Now people figure out that flight 11 has been hijacked!!!Now American Airlines flight 77 leaves Washington,D.C,heading for los angeles with 64 passengers. United Airlines flight 93 leaves Newark,NJ bound for san francisco with 44 passengers. At about the same time flight 11 crashes in the world trade center the north tower in minutes there was police,fire, and people being evacuating.President Bush was visiting an school in florida .Now hijackers crash flight 175 into the south tower .Now it is clear that it was not a accident.People have heard that hijackers crash flight 77 into the pentagon in washington . Passengers get on flight 93 the passengers family warn them about the the terrorists and the passengers take the plane down in western side pennsylvania the were named heroes .America shall always remember the peoples lives that ended that day.