Have you ever been South Dakota?If not this is the time I spent with someone special this how it started
I had to get up at 4:00 it took us three days to get there we were going to South Dakota were my grandparents live they live on a ranch.So we got there I got to see all of my cousins,and I have a lot of cousins However it started to hail but I was outside because i had to feed the animals . So I had to run all the way home,and the hail was as big as a softball.I went inside and help my grandma cook supper for all of us.The next day we rode fourwheelers .After I got to ride one by myself.While I was ridding which was so fun we went to Mountain Rushmore .Indeed I got so excited when I saw Mrs. South Dakota and she and I took a selfie .Also I was so happy I almost freaked out , but I stayed calm ,and then we got some ice cream , and then we had to go home,and we packed we stayed there for two weeks .then I had to say good BYE No matter how old I get I will never forget that week.