The Black Figure

Hey Carlee do you want to go to the Peeko Haunted House? Yeah I will be at your house at 6:00. Ok see you there. 3 hours later… Ding Dong,”Hey” said Grace. Hey is it ok that I brought my friend kayln ? That’s  ok. Are you ready to go?” ”yes” I will drive my car” said Grace 4 hours later… We are here..”I’m up” said Carlee and kalyn.Lets go Carlee you take for every you too kalyn. “This place is scary” they all said .”what is that thing in the sixth window!!!” Carlee there is nothing there your just seeing things .lets go in Carlee wait where is kk ? I’m right here scared you hahaha . Thats not funny.Hey did you know we are having a full moon to night . 1hour later… get out of that house!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!wait where is the car? Ahahahahhahahaha help .the girls where never seen agian!!!!!!!

















9/11 Reaflections


9/11 was a very sad day.It all started very normal day everybody was going to work dropping the kids off at school,and getting on planes too.American Airlines flight 11 people where getting on the plane there where 92 passengers the plane leaves Boston going to Los Angeles.Flight 175 with 65 passengers leaves Boston too going to Los Angeles.Now people figure out that  flight 11 has been hijacked!!!Now American Airlines flight 77 leaves Washington,D.C,heading for los angeles with 64 passengers. United Airlines flight 93 leaves Newark,NJ bound for san francisco with 44 passengers. At about the same time flight 11 crashes in the world trade center the north tower in minutes there was police,fire, and people being evacuating.President Bush was visiting an school in florida .Now hijackers crash flight 175 into the south tower .Now it is clear that it was not a accident.People have heard that hijackers crash flight 77 into the pentagon in washington . Passengers get on flight 93 the passengers family warn them about the the terrorists and the passengers take the plane down in western side pennsylvania the were named heroes .America shall always remember the peoples lives that ended that day.

Life In 5th Grade

I thought 5th grade was going to be hard but it’s really easy so far, and I love all my teachers. Mr.Mc bride is really funny he is our science teacher,and he makes my whole class laugh I think that class is really fun .Mrs Mcfall is our history teacher I’ve never been a big fan of history like she is but we do fun stuff in there to like puzzles and more . Mrs . brantly is our math teacher and I am a fan of math I all was thought it was a little easy then my other classes she is the one who teaches division, subtract ,adding and gives us are math test.Mrs.Owens is my reading teacher she will read us books and we will and she will gives us test on them.

Blanket Flower

The flower I’am researching is the Blanket Flower.It’s Scientific Classification is Astercaceae ,and it’s Scientific Name: Gaillordia aristata.Where it grows in Texas is all over our state!Here’s the General information the inside is red the outside of the flower is yellow.Its blooming period is May-September.Height is 11in/2-2 feet.Its averge seeds per pound:132,000 seeding rate 10 lbs acre.suggested use:road sides,drainage ditch slops pen fields, mixes.

Expository My Hobby

My hobby is making things like pillows,blankets,scarfs,and fluffy blankets.                                                                              Be careful and don’t sow your finger on this one first things first I will show you how to make a pillow first get your fabric if you want to color it then get white fabric then color what ever on it then follow my steps now sow all the sides ,but one then put your stuffing in then you have a pillow .                                                                                                    To make a blanket get two are the same thing of fabric then cut rectangle all around then tie all the sides together then you have a nice blanket.                                                                                                                                                                  Here is how to make a scarf this one is super easy all you need is some yarn of your color then you just weave it around your finger then tie it off and then you can maybe put some flowers or something in it if you want.                      Now the last one the fluffy blanket to make it you will two things of fabric you can sow or tie it like the normal blanket do all the sides ,but one then put your stuffing in then tie or sow it off.                                                                          So,I like the pillow because it’s nice to lay on and fun to make .I like to make the normal blanket and it’s nice if your going on a trip too.The scarf is good to make for me cause I can just sit in my bed and make and you don’t need a lot of things to make it and good for winter. Last one the fluffy blanket This is good for winter and hot chocolate I love this one.

Personal Narrative

Have you ever been South Dakota?If not this is the time I spent with someone special this how it started

I had to get up at 4:00 it took us three days to get there we were going to South Dakota were my grandparents live they live on a ranch.So we got there I got to see all of my cousins,and I have a lot of cousins However it started to hail but I was outside because i had to feed the animals . So I had to run all the way home,and the hail was as big as a softball.I went inside and help my grandma cook supper for all of us.The next day we rode fourwheelers .After I got to ride one by myself.While I was ridding which was so fun we went to Mountain Rushmore .Indeed I got so excited when I saw Mrs. South Dakota and she and I took a selfie .Also I was so happy I almost freaked out , but I stayed calm ,and then we got some ice cream , and then we had to go home,and we packed we stayed there for two weeks .then I had to say good BYE No matter how old I get I will never forget that week.